Do you avoid driving at night because your car’s headlights are cloudy? Here’s a ‘very satisfying’ solution!

EJ Thornton
4 min readFeb 19, 2023

Mine were… so bad!!! My headlights were so cloudy that I started avoiding driving at night!

I really needed to get them restored, but I was afraid it was going to cost a couple of hundred dollars. After all, new headlights for my car, off the shelf, were over $200 — and that was BEFORE installation.

I’d resigned myself to cloudy headlights, unless I won the lottery or got some other great cash windfall — or bought a newer car.

What a pleasant surprise to find out I was so wrong!

Product testimonial for Cerakote Ceramic Headlight Restoration Kit!
Product testimonial for Cerakote Ceramic Headlight Restoration Kit!

I went to Amazon to look for some type of kit, expecting to probably find something expensive to get the job done. Instead, I was surprised to find a product for under $20. I decided to give it a try.

Enter the Cerakote Ceramic Headlight Restoration kit . It had some great reviews and was 20% off — so the price came in at 17.88. I put it in the cart, and anxiously awaited its arrival.

Our headlights were awful. We live in Colorado — where there is a ton of the calcium chloride backsplash on the roads each winter. Even after cleaning my headlights with Windex, they still looked like this.



EJ Thornton

EJ Thornton is an author, and a book publisher who helps authors get their messages out. Her books are both spiritual and practical in nature — lots of fun!